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Index: R

R command (sendmail): 10.6. Rewriting the Mail Address
r commands (Unix)
disabling: 12.2.6. Secure Shell
security considerations: 12.2.5. Secure the r Commands
R flag (Linux routing table): 2.4. The Routing Table
RADB (Routing Arbiter Database): 2.3. Internet Routing Architecture
registering in: 4.3.2. Registering in a Routing Database
range parameter (dhcpd): 9.5.1. dhcpd.conf
D.3.2. Configuration Parameters
RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol): 3.6.1. Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
RAs (Routing Arbiters): 2.3. Internet Routing Architecture
raw field (inet.conf file): 5.3. The Internet Daemon
rc.local script
BSD Unix: Putting ifconfig in the startup scripts
Linux: Understanding /etc/inittab
routing startup scripts: Installing static routes at startup
rc.sysinit script, Linux: Understanding /etc/inittab
rdist command: 9.6.2. rdist
re-transmission: 1.6.2. Transmission Control Protocol
reachability information
autonomous systems: 2.3. Internet Routing Architecture
EGP: 7.5.1. Exterior Gateway Protocol
exterior routing protocols: 7.5. Exterior Routing Protocols
read access (filesystems): The share command
ReadmeName directive (Apache): 11.3.5. Creating a Fancy Index
receive option (pppd): A.2. The PPP Daemon
Recipient field (sendmail): 10.5.8. Defining Mailers
recommended protocols: 1.1.2. Protocol Standards
reconfigure file (Solaris): 5.1.1. Using Dynamically Loadable Modules
record option (pppd): A.2. The PPP Daemon
RECORD option (xinetd): 12.5.2. Controlling Access with xinetd
recursion option (named): C.2.5. The options Statement
recursive-clients (named): C.2.5.1. The BIND 9 options statement
recursive searches (DNS): 3.3.2. Creating Domains and Subdomains
recursive servers (DNS): 3.3.2. Creating Domains and Subdomains
recv (gated): B.4. Trace Statements
recvbuffer parameter (gated): B.8.4. The bgp Statement
Red Hat Linux
caching-only servers, configuring: A caching-only server configuration
DSO modules: 11.3.1. Loading Dynamic Shared Objects
Ethernet device drivers: 5.1.1. Using Dynamically Loadable Modules
httpd.conf file, location: 11.2. Configuring the Apache Server
named command, running: 8.3.8. Controlling the named Process
NIS domains: 9.4. Network Information Service
printcap configuration tool: The printcap file
sendmail, startup script: 10.2. Running sendmail as a Daemon
updating: 12.3.2. Keep Software Updated
Redirect Message (ICMP): 1.5.2. Internet Control Message Protocol
2.4. The Routing Table
redirect parameter (gated): B.8.8. The icmp Statement
B.8.10. The kernel Statement
redirect statement (gated): B.8.7. The redirect Statement
redirection, routing: 7.3.1. Adding Static Routes
Ref field (Linux routing table): 2.4. The Routing Table
2.4. The Routing Table
refuse-chap option (pppd): A.2. The PPP Daemon
refuse-pap option (pppd): A.2. The PPP Daemon
regex (sendmail K command value): E.4.5. The sendmail K Command
Regional Internet Registries (IRs), address requests: Obtaining an official network address
registered hosts: 3.2. The Host Table
registries, addresses, obtaining from: Obtaining an official network address
reject (gated): B.6. Interface Statements
reject parameter (gated): B.9. static Statements
relay mailer: Building a with m4 macros
RELAY_DOMAIN (sendmail macro): E.3. m4 sendmail Macros
RELAY_DOMAIN_FILE (sendmail macro): E.3. m4 sendmail Macros
address translation: 4.2.1. Obtaining an IP Address
interface configuration methods: 6.1.3. Assigning an Address
TCP: 1.6.2. Transmission Control Protocol
remnantholdtime parameter (gated): B.8.10. The kernel Statement
remnants parameter (gated): B.8.10. The kernel Statement
Remote File Distribution Program: 9.6.2. rdist
Remote Procedure Calls (see RPCs)
remotename option (pppd): A.2. The PPP Daemon
replace (gated): B.4. Trace Statements
REPORT keyword (chat): A.3. chat
request parameter (gated): B.8.10. The kernel Statement
Requests for Comments (see RFCs)
require-chap option (pppd): A.2. The PPP Daemon
Require directive (Apache): Requiring user authentication
require-pap option (pppd): A.2. The PPP Daemon
required protocols: 1.1.2. Protocol Standards
Reseaux IP Europeens (see RIPE)
reserved addresses: 2.2. The IP Address
reset command (dip): 6.3.2. Dial-Up PPP
A.1.1. The dip Script File
resolv.conf file: 8.1.1. BIND Configurations
8.2. Configuring the Resolver
entries: 8.2.1. The Resolver Configuration File
sample configuration: 8.2.1. The Resolver Configuration File
resolver code: 3.3.4. BIND, Resolvers, and named
resolver-only configurations: 3.3.4. BIND, Resolvers, and named
resolver software (name service): 3.3.4. BIND, Resolvers, and named
resolvers: 8.1.1. BIND Configurations
configuring: 8.2. Configuring the Resolver
8.2. Configuring the Resolver A resolver-only configuration
sample configuration: A resolver-only configuration
resource records: C.3.1. Standard Resource Records
DNS: 8.3.2. Standard Resource Records
resources, security: 12.8. Words to the Wise
Responsible Person (RP) records: C.3.1.7. Responsible Person record
restrict parameter (gated): B.11. Aggregate Statements
retain parameter (gated): B.9. static Statements
RETR command (POP): 3.4.2. Post Office Protocol
retrans= option (vfstab file): The vfstab and fstab files
retry= option (vfstab file): The vfstab and fstab files
RETURN keyword (iptables command): Defining iptables filter rules
Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP): 3.6.1. Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
reverse domains: Obtaining an IN-ADDR.ARPA domain
reverse-mapping zone file: 8.3. Configuring named
reverse zone file: 8.3.6. The Reverse Zone File
rewrite rules (sendmail): 10.6. Rewriting the Mail Address
pattern matching: 10.6.1. Pattern Matching
transformation field: 10.6.2. Transforming the Address
transformation with database: Transforming with a database
Rewriting Rules ( section): 10.4.2. General Structure
RFC 1918: 4.2.1. Obtaining an IP Address
rfc822 (MIME data subtype): 3.4.4. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
rfc2308-type1 option (named): C.2.5. The options Statement
RFCs (Requests for Comments)
Network Access Layer: 1.4. Network Access Layer
obtaining on Web: Appendix g.4. Retrieving RFCs
obtaining through email: Appendix g.4.1. Retrieving RFCs by Mail
protocol development: 1.1.2. Protocol Standards
subnet masks: 2.2.2. Subnets
rhosts file, security considerations: 12.2.5. Secure the r Commands
12.4.2. Looking for Trouble
ribs unicast parameter (gated): B.8.3. The isis Statement
richtext text (MIME data subtype): 3.4.4. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
RIP-2: 7.4.2. RIP Version 2
RIP (Routing Information Protocol): 2.4. The Routing Table
7.4.1. Routing Information Protocol
ifconfig command and: Metric
limitations: Running RIP with routed
overview: 7.4. Interior Routing Protocols
routed command: Running RIP with routed
rip statement (gated): B.8.2. The rip Statement
RIPE-181 standard: 2.3. Internet Routing Architecture
RIPE Network Control Center: 2.3. Internet Routing Architecture
RIPE (Reseaux IP Europeens): 2.3. Internet Routing Architecture
database fields: Obtaining an IN-ADDR.ARPA domain
rmmod command (Linux): 5.1.1. Using Dynamically Loadable Modules
ro option
exports file: The /etc/exports file
share command: The share command
root access
preventing, exports file: The /etc/exports file
share command and: The share command
root domain (DNS): 3.3.1. The Domain Hierarchy
root hints file: 8.3. Configuring named
root servers
cache initialization files: 8.3.4. The Cache Initialization File
DNS: 3.3.1. The Domain Hierarchy
root_squash setting (exports file): The /etc/exports file
rotate option (resolv.conf file): 8.2.1. The Resolver Configuration File
route command: 7.3. Building a Static Routing Table
route filters: Exterior gateway configuration
route (gated): B.4. Trace Statements
routed command: 7.4.1. Routing Information Protocol
gateways file: Running RIP with routed
implementing: Running RIP with routed
routerdiscovery parameter (gated): B.8.8. The icmp Statement
B.8.9. The routerdiscovery Statement
B.8.9.1. The routerdiscovery client statement
routerid (gated): B.7. Definition Statements
filtering: 12.7.2. Filtering Traffic with iptables
iptables command: Defining iptables filter rules
interconnecting dissimilar physical networks: 4.2.3. Defining the Subnet Mask
multicast addresses: 2.2. The IP Address
routes parameter (gated): B.8.10. The kernel Statement
B.8.10. The kernel Statement
routing: 7.1. Common Routing Configurations
7.6.1. gated's Preference Value
bilateral agreements: 2.3. Internet Routing Architecture
classful: Running RIP with routed
common configurations: 7.1. Common Routing Configurations
consolidated: 2.2.4. CIDR Blocks and Route Aggregation
data delivery: 2.1. Addressing, Routing, and Multiplexing
databases, registering: 4.3.2. Registering in a Routing Database
datagrams: Routing datagrams
distance-vector algorithms: 7.4. Interior Routing Protocols
domains: 2.3. Internet Routing Architecture
filters, gated and: B.10. Control Statements
gated: 7.6. Gateway Routing Daemon
Internet architecture: 2.3. Internet Routing Architecture
planning: 4.3. Planning Routing
poison reverse: Running RIP with routed
policies, AS path: B.10. Control Statements
protocols: 7.1. Common Routing Configurations
BGP: 7.5.2. Border Gateway Protocol
EGP: 7.5.1. Exterior Gateway Protocol
exterior: 7.5. Exterior Routing Protocols
interior: 7.4. Interior Routing Protocols
OSPF: 7.4.3. Open Shortest Path First
RIP: 7.4.1. Routing Information Protocol
RIP-2: 7.4.2. RIP Version 2
routed command: Running RIP with routed
selecting: 7.5.3. Choosing a Routing Protocol
system configuration and: 4. Getting Started
redirection: 7.3.1. Adding Static Routes
slow convergence problem: Running RIP with routed
split horizon: Running RIP with routed
triggered updates: Running RIP with routed
troubleshooting: 13.5. Checking Routing
traceroute command: 13.5.1. Tracing Routes
Routing Arbiter Database (see RADB)
4.3.2. Registering in a Routing Database
Routing Arbiters (RAs): 2.3. Internet Routing Architecture
Routing Information Protocol (see RIP) Metric
routing tables: 2.4. The Routing Table
bit mask: 2.4. The Routing Table
cache: 2.4. The Routing Table
contents of: 7.2. The Minimal Routing Table
default gateways: 2.4. The Routing Table
deleting routes, RIP: 7.4.1. Routing Information Protocol
destination values: 2.4. The Routing Table
dynamic: 4.3. Planning Routing
end-to-end routes: 2.4. The Routing Table
informational fields: 2.4. The Routing Table
Linux: 2.4. The Routing Table
loopback route: 2.4. The Routing Table
metric, changing with ifconfig command: Metric
ping command: 7.2. The Minimal Routing Table
reducing size of: 2.2.4. CIDR Blocks and Route Aggregation
routd command: 7.4.1. Routing Information Protocol
Solaris: 2.4. The Routing Table
static: 4.3. Planning Routing
adding routes: 7.3.1. Adding Static Routes
creating: 7.3. Building a Static Routing Table
routing updates (RIP): 7.4.1. Routing Information Protocol
RP (Responsible Person) records: C.3.1.7. Responsible Person record
RPCs (Remote Procedure Calls), port numbers: 2.6.2. Port Numbers
rquotad command: 9.1.1. NFS Daemons
rrset-order option (named): C.2.5. The options Statement
RS232C connectors: 1.2. A Data Communications Model
rsize= option (vfstab file): The vfstab and fstab files
rulesets (sendmail): 10.6.3. The Set Ruleset Command
runlevel field (inittab file): Understanding /etc/inittab
inittab file: Understanding /etc/inittab
System V startup: 5.2.1. Startup Runlevels
RUNNING flag (ifconfig command): 6.1.2. Checking the Interface with ifconfig
rw option
exports file: The /etc/exports file
share command: The share command

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