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Index: V

V command (sendmail): 10.5.1. The Version Level Command
V.35 connectors: 1.2. A Data Communications Model
environment, LOCALDOMAIN: 8.2.1. The Resolver Configuration File
LogFormat directive (Apache): Defining the log file format
v3asloopokay parameter (gated): B.8.4. The bgp Statement
vendors, security information mailing lists: Use the network to distribute information
VERB command (ESMTP): 3.4.4. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
vers= option (vfstab file): The vfstab and fstab files
version level command (sendmail): 10.5.1. The Version Level Command
version numbers, sendmail configuration file modifications: 10.7.1. Modifying Local Information
version option (named): C.2.5. The options Statement
version parameter (gated): B.8.4. The bgp Statement
VERSIONID macro (sendmail): Building a with m4 macros
E.3. m4 sendmail Macros
vfstab files, options: The vfstab and fstab files
video (MIME data content type): 3.4.4. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
view keyword (dbmmanage command): Improved user authentication
virtual hosts (Apache): 11.3.11. Defining Virtual Hosts
virtuallink neighborid parameter (gated): B.8.1. The ospf Statement
VIRTUSER_DOMAIN macro (sendmail): E.3. m4 sendmail Macros
VIRTUSER_DOMAIN_FILE macro (sendmail): E.3. m4 sendmail Macros
virtusertable (sendmail database feature): E.3.2. FEATURE
VLSM (variable-length subnet masks): 4.2.3. Defining the Subnet Mask
VRFY command (SMTP): 3.4.1. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
3.4.1. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

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