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Index: Z

zone-c field (RIPE database): Obtaining an IN-ADDR.ARPA domain
zone files: 3.3.4. BIND, Resolvers, and named
address records: C.3.1.3. Address record
CNAME records: C.3.1.5. Canonical Name record
creating: C.3. Zone File Records
displaying: 13.6.2. The Data Is Here and the Server Can't Find It!
$GENERATE directive: The $GENERATE directive
HINFO records: C.3.1.9. Host Information record
$INCLUDE directive: The $INCLUDE directive
MX records: C.3.1.4. Mail Exchanger record
NS records: C.3.1.2. Name Server record
$ORIGIN directive: The $ORIGIN directive
PTR: C.3.1.6. Domain Name Pointer record
RP records: C.3.1.7. Responsible Person record
SOA records: C.3.1.1. Start of Authority record
SRV records: C.3.1.11. Server Selection record
$TTL directive: The $TTL directive
TXT records: C.3.1.8. Text record
WKS records: C.3.1.10. Well-Known Services record
zone statement
named command: C.2.7. The zone Statement
named.conf file: A caching-only server configuration Master and slave server configurations
zone-statistics (named): C.2.5.1. The BIND 9 options statement
zone tables (cache dump files): The zone table section
zone transfers: 8.1.1. BIND Configurations
zones: 8.1. BIND: Unix Name Service
caching-only server: 8.1.1. BIND Configurations
master name server: 8.1.1. BIND Configurations
slave server: 8.1.1. BIND Configurations

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