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Index: R

RAXFR statistic : 7.6.2. Understanding the BIND Statistics
RCODE field : A.3. Header Section Format
rcodes (response codes) : 11.6.1. Seeing the Query and Response Packets
rdist command : 8.2.1. Primary Master and Slave Servers
RDupQ, RDupR statistics : 7.6.2. Understanding the BIND Statistics
database dump : 13.2.2. How to Read a Database Dump
debugging output : 12.3. Reading Debugging Output
domain names : 2.2.3. Reading Domain Names
recurse option (nslookup)
11.3. Option Settings
14.1.2. Solving This Problem with a Script
recursion substatement : 10.11.5. Delegated Name Server Configuration
recursive queries : 10.7. Building Up a Large Site-wide Cache with Forwarders
recursive resolution : 2.6.2. Recursion
caching and : 2.7. Caching
redundancy in domain names : 14.2.3. Domain Name Compression
refresh interval
4.8.4. SOA Values
8.2.1. Primary Master and Slave Servers
8.4.1. Changing Other SOA Values
10.2. DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
refused queries : 11.7.4. Query Refused
domains : D. Domain Registration Form domain : E. Registration Form
name servers : 8.3. Registering Name Servers
network numbers : 3.2.3. Checking That Your Network Is Registered
registries : 3.2.3. Checking That Your Network Is Registered
"reloading nameserver" message
7.6.1. Common Syslog Messages
13.3.2. 2. Forgot to Signal Primary Master Server
remote host names Look up a remote name
13.6.2. Remote Names Can't Be Looked Up
remote multihomed hosts : 10.5.2. Remote Multihomed Hosts
reorder keyword : 6.4.8. Linux
RErr statistic : 7.6.2. Understanding the BIND Statistics
_res structure : 14.2.5. The _res Structure
RES_AAONLY option : 14.2.5. The _res Structure
RES_DEBUG option
6.1.6. The options Directive
14.2.5. The _res Structure
RES_DEFNAMES option : 14.2.5. The _res Structure
RES_DNSRCH option : 14.2.5. The _res Structure
RES_IGNTC option : 14.2.5. The _res Structure
RES_INIT option : 14.2.5. The _res Structure
res_init routine : 14.2.4. The Resolver Library Routines
RES_INSECURE1, RES_INSECURE2 options : 14.2.5. The _res Structure
res_mkquery routine : 14.2.4. The Resolver Library Routines
RES_NOALIASES option : 14.2.5. The _res Structure
RES_OPTIONS variable : 6.4.7. SCO's Open Server 5.0
RES_PRIMARY option : 14.2.5. The _res Structure
res_query routine
14.2.4. The Resolver Library Routines
14.2.8. A Sample Program: check_soa
RES_RECURSE option : 14.2.5. The _res Structure
res_search routine : 14.2.4. The Resolver Library Routines
res_send routine : 14.2.4. The Resolver Library Routines
RES_STAYOPEN option : 14.2.5. The _res Structure
RES_USEVC option : 14.2.5. The _res Structure
resetting serial number : 7.2.3. Starting Over with a New Serial Number
2.6. Resolution
(see also resolvers)
caching and : 2.7. Caching
iterative : 2.6.3. Iteration
iterative (nonrecursive) : 2.6.2. Recursion
recursive : 2.6.2. Recursion
resolv+ library Modified resolvers
6.4.8. Linux
resolv.conf file Initialize the default domain name
6.1. The Resolver
6.2.2. Local Name Server
6.4.4. IBM's AIX
6.4.6. Silicon Graphics' IRIX
first server not responding : 11.7.5. First resolv.conf Name Server Not Responding
nslookup and
11.1.1. Multiple Servers
11.7.5. First resolv.conf Name Server Not Responding
outages and : 8.5.1. Outages
syntax errors in : 13.3.11. 11. Syntax Error in resolv.conf
resolv.h file : 14.2.5. The _res Structure
1.3. The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
2.5. Resolvers
2.6. Resolution
6.1. The Resolver
(see also resolution)
access denials : 13.6.6. Access to Services Denied
configuring : 9.4.2. Creating and Delegating a Subdomain
6.1. The Resolver
6.1.8. A Note on the 4.9 Resolver Directives
F.2. BIND Resolver Statements
library routines
14.2.4. The Resolver Library Routines
14.3.6. A Perl Version of check_soa
long response time : 13.6.4. Lookups Take a Long Time
"Looked for PTR, Found CNAME" : 13.5.4. Resolver Reports Looked for PTR, Found CNAME
mimicking with nslookup : 11.6.2. Querying Like a BIND Name Server
nslookup versus : 11.1. Is nslookup a Good Tool?
Perl objects for : 14.3.1. Resolver Objects
programming : 14. Programming with the Resolver and Name Server Library Routines
sample configurations : 6.2. Sample Resolver Configurations
search algorithm : 12.4. The Resolver Search Algorithm and Negative Caching
security : 10.11.6. Resolving Name Server Configuration
sorting name server addresses : 10.5. Name Server Address Sorting
upgrading BIND and : 13.4.1. Resolver Behavior
vendor-specific implementations
6.4. Vendor-Specific Options
6.4.10. Windows NT
without name server : 6.2.1. Resolver Only
resource limits : 10.4.2. Resource Limits
resource records
2.1.3. Resource Records
4.2.1. The db Files
4.2.4. NS Records
15.7. Additional Resource Records
15.7.3. X25, ISDN, and RT
A. DNS Message Format and Resource Records
(see also under specific record type)
CNAME record in
7.6.1. Common Syslog Messages
15.1.3. CNAMEs in the Resource Record Data
data format : A.4.1. Data Format
dynamic update facility : 10.3. DNS Dynamic Update
ns_parserr routine : 14.2.6. The Name Server Library Routines
out-of-zone : 13.4.2. Name Server Behavior
Perl objects for : 14.3.5. Resource Record Objects
spaces and tabs as names : 4.4.3. Repeat Last Name
types of (list) : A.1.2. Types
resources : (see documentation)
"Response from unexpected source; message : 7.6.1. Common Syslog Messages
response-checks data category (logging) : 7.5.3. Category Details
long time for : 13.6.4. Lookups Take a Long Time
MX records and performance : 15.3. A Limitation of MX Records
parsing : 14.2.7. Parsing DNS Responses
speed of : (see performance)
tracing : 11.6.1. Seeing the Query and Response Packets
from unexpected sources : 13.3.13. 13. Response from Unexpected Source
wrong or inconsistent : 13.6.3. Wrong or Inconsistent Answer
Responsible Person : (see RP records)
restarted message : 4.7.2. Check for Syslog Errors
"restarted" message : 13.3.2. 2. Forgot to Signal Primary Master Server
restarting name server : 7.1. BIND Name Server Signals
restricted name servers : 10.8. A More Restricted Name Server
restricting queries : 10.11.2. Restricting Queries
retransmitting queries (debugging example) : 12.3.3. A Successful Lookup with Retransmissions (Debug Level 1)
retry interval
4.8.4. SOA Values
8.4.1. Changing Other SOA Values
11.3. Option Settings
reverse domain : (see domain)
reverse mapping : 4.2. Setting Up DNS Data
RFail statistic : 7.6.2. Understanding the BIND Statistics
RFC 1035
A.1. Master File Format
A.2.1. Format
RFC 1183 : A.1.3.1. AFSDB Andrew File System Data Base - experimental
RFC 1664 : A.1.4. New Types from RFC 1664
RFErr statistic : 7.6.2. Understanding the BIND Statistics
RFwdQ, RFwdR statistics : 7.6.2. Understanding the BIND Statistics
.rhosts file
6.3.3. Updating .rhosts, hosts.equiv, etc.
13.6.5. rlogin and rsh to Host Fails Access Check
RIPE Network Coordination Centre : 3.2.3. Checking That Your Network Is Registered
RIQ statistic : 7.6.2. Understanding the BIND Statistics
RLame statistic : 7.6.2. Understanding the BIND Statistics
rlogin command : 13.6.5. rlogin and rsh to Host Fails Access Check
RNotNsQ statistic : 7.6.2. Understanding the BIND Statistics
RNXD statistic : 7.6.2. Understanding the BIND Statistics
root command : 11.3. Option Settings
root domain
1.3. The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
2.1. The Domain Name Space
cache data for : 4.2.9. The Root Cache Data
updating record of : 7.2.6. Keeping db.cache Current
root server
2.6.1. Root Name Servers
10.9. A Nonrecursive Name Server
15.4.4. Internal Roots
bogus data : 13.6.7. Name Server Is Infected with Bogus Root Server Data
"No root nameservers" message : 7.6.1. Common Syslog Messages
setting with nslookup : 11.3. Option Settings
temporary : 8.6.3. Really Long Outages (Weeks)
root user (BIND) : 10.11.4. Running BIND as a Non-Root User
ROpts statistic : 7.6.2. Understanding the BIND Statistics
rotating addresses : 4.2.5. Address and Alias Records
round robin
10.12. Load Sharing Between Mirrored Servers
15.1.4. Multiple CNAME Records
route command : 8.5.1. Outages
routing loops : 5.3. The MX Algorithm
RP records
4.2.3. SOA Records Responsible Person
A.1.3.3. RP Responsible Person - experimental
RQ statistic
7.6.2. Understanding the BIND Statistics
8.1.2. Capacity Planning
RR statistic : 7.6.2. Understanding the BIND Statistics
RRs : (see resource records)
rsh command : 13.6.5. rlogin and rsh to Host Fails Access Check
RT records
15.7.3. X25, ISDN, and RT
A.1.3.4. RT Route Through - experimental
RTCP statistic : 7.6.2. Understanding the BIND Statistics

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