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Index: C

C programming
14.2. C Programming with the Resolver Library Routines
14.3.6. A Perl Version of check_soa
C-style and C++-style comments : 4.3. Setting Up a BIND Configuration File
cache directive The db.root file
F.1.4. cache
2.7. Caching
2.7.1. Time to Live
caching-only name servers
8.2.2. Caching-Only Servers
8.3. Registering Name Servers
cleaning interval : Cleaning interval
13.6.8. Name Server Keeps Loading Old Data What have I got?
forwarders and : 10.7. Building Up a Large Site-wide Cache with Forwarders
missing cache data : 13.3.7. 7. Missing Cache Data
12.4. The Resolver Search Algorithm and Negative Caching
13.5.7. Other Name Servers Don't Cache Your Negative Answers
root cache data : 4.2.9. The Root Cache Data
TTL (time to live)
2.7.1. Time to Live
4.2.9. The Root Cache Data
4.8.4. SOA Values
8.4. Changing TTLs
10.12. Load Sharing Between Mirrored Servers
"cannot set resource limits" message : 7.6.1. Common Syslog Messages
canonical names : (see CNAME records)
4.2.5. Address and Alias Records
6.3.2. Electronic Mail
capacity planning : 8.1.2. Capacity Planning
case sensitivity
4.2.1. The db Files
A.1.1. Character Case
categories of data (logging)
7.5. BIND 8 Logging
7.5.3. Category Details
chaining : (see recursive resolution)
channels (logging) : 7.5. BIND 8 Logging
Chaosnet class : 2.1.3. Resource Records
character strings : A.4.1.3. Character string
check_del utility
9.6. Good Parenting
9.6.1. Using check_del
check-names directive : F.1.14. check-names (4.9.4)
check_soa program (example)
14.2.8. A Sample Program: check_soa
14.3.6. A Perl Version of check_soa
9.6. Good Parenting
9.6.2. Managing Delegation
13.3.9. 9. Missing Subdomain Delegation
host names : 4.5. Host Name Checking (BIND 4.9.4 and Later Versions)
zone (debugging example) : 12.3.4. A Slave Name Server Checking Its Zone (Debug Level 1)
children : (see parenting)
chroot command : 10.11.4. Running BIND as a Non-Root User
CIDR (classless inter-domain routing) : 3.2.3. Checking That Your Network Is Registered
city-level domains : The us domain
class A and B networks, subnetting : Class A and B networks
class C networks, subnetting : /24 (class C-sized) networks
CLASS fields (db files) : A.1.5. Classes
classes : A.1.5. Classes
class option, nslookup : 11.3. Option Settings
internet : 2.1.3. Resource Records
unusual : 7.6.1. Common Syslog Messages
classless inter-domain routing (CIDR) : 3.2.3. Checking That Your Network Is Registered
cleaning interval : Cleaning interval
closest known name servers : 2.6.2. Recursion
cname data category (logging) : 7.5.3. Category Details
CNAME records
4.2.1. The db Files
4.2.5. Address and Alias Records
7.6.1. Common Syslog Messages
15.1. Using CNAME Records
15.1.6. Finding Out a Host's Aliases
A.1.2.2. CNAME canonical name
(see also aliases)
chaining : 15.1.2. CNAMEs Pointing to CNAMEs
"Looked for PTR, Found CNAME" : 13.5.4. Resolver Reports Looked for PTR, Found CNAME
looking up : 15.1.5. Looking Up CNAMEs
queries statistic : 7.6.2. Understanding the BIND Statistics
transition to subdomains : 9.7. Managing the Transition to Subdomains
code, BIND source
3.1. Getting BIND
B.1. Get the Source Code
collisions : 1.2.1. The History of the Domain Name System
com domain : 2.2.1. Top-Level Domains
command-line debugging : 12.2.1. Debugging Command-Line Option
in BIND configuration files
4.3. Setting Up a BIND Configuration File
in db files : 4.2.2. Comments
compiling BIND : B. Compiling and Installing BIND on a Sun
compressing domain names
14.2.3. Domain Name Compression
14.2.6. The Name Server Library Routines
compression, message : A.4.1.2. Message compression
config data category (logging) : 7.5.3. Category Details
configuration file, BIND : (see boot file)
configuration syntax, BIND : 3.1. Getting BIND
9.6. Good Parenting
9.6.2. Managing Delegation
channels (logging) : 7.5. BIND 8 Logging
dialup connections : 15.5. Dialup Connections
firewalls : 15.4. DNS and Internet Firewalls
hosts to use DNS : 6. Configuring Hosts
consequences of : 6.3. Minimizing Pain and Suffering
vendor-specific differences : 6.4. Vendor-Specific Options
name servers : One name server configured
6.2. Sample Resolver Configurations
9.4.2. Creating and Delegating a Subdomain
vendor-specific : 6.4.10. Windows NT
5.2. What's a Mail Exchanger, Again?
8.1.1. Where Do I Put My Name Servers?
13.3.3. 3. Slave Server Can't Load Zone Data
dialup connections : 15.5. Dialup Connections
loss of : 13.3.8. 8. Loss of Network Connectivity
consistency in domain naming
1.2.1. The History of the Domain Name System
2.4. Name Servers and Zones
core size limit : Changing the core size limit
cost of registering domains : 3.2.4. Registering with Your Parent
CPU load : 8.1.2. Capacity Planning
creating : (see adding)
credibility measures : 13.2.2. How to Read a Database Dump

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