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Index: Symbols and Numbers

/24 network, subnetting : /24 (class C-sized) networks
* wildcard : 15.2. Wildcards
@ notation
4.4.2. @ Notation
A.1. Master File Format
. (dot)
default domain and : 6.1.1. The Default Domain
ndots substatement
6.1.6. The options Directive
F.2.6. options ndots (4.9.3 and later versions)
root domain
1.3. The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
2.1. The Domain Name Space
4.2.9. The Root Cache Data
trailing in domain names
2.1.1. Domain Names
4.2.3. SOA Records
4.4.1. Appending Domains
13.3.6. 6. Missing Dot at the End of a Name in a DNS Database File
A.1. Master File Format
# (hash mark) for comments
4.3. Setting Up a BIND Configuration File
( ) (parentheses)
4.2.3. SOA Records
A.1. Master File Format
; (semicolon)
for comments : F.2.4. ; and # (4.9.3 and later versions)
; (semicolon) for comments
A.1. Master File Format
; (semicolon) for comments : 4.3. Setting Up a BIND Configuration File
/* */ comments : 4.3. Setting Up a BIND Configuration File
// comments : 4.3. Setting Up a BIND Configuration File

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