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Index: B

battery power : 8.5.2. Recommendations
name servers
6.1.4. The nameserver Directive
6.2.2. Local Name Server
serial number and
7.2.3. Starting Over with a New Serial Number
7.6.1. Common Syslog Messages
zone data : 4.8.2. Backup Files
zone transfers and : 7.6.1. Common Syslog Messages
bastion host : The bastion host
BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain)
compiling and installing : B. Compiling and Installing BIND on a Sun
configuration file : (see boot file)
directives and resolvers (list) : F.1. BIND Name Server Boot File Statements
firewalls and : 15.4. DNS and Internet Firewalls
history of : 1.4. The History of BIND
name server maintainence : 7. Maintaining BIND
logging (BIND 8) : 7.5. BIND 8 Logging
monitoring name servers : 7.6. Keeping Everything Running Smoothly
organizing db files : 7.3. Organizing Your Files
updating db files : 7.2. Updating db Files
name server signals : 7.1. BIND Name Server Signals
obtaining source code
3.1. Getting BIND
B.1. Get the Source Code
resources for : 3.1.1. Handy Mailing Lists and Usenet Newsgroups
running as non-root user : 10.11.4. Running BIND as a Non-Root User
statistics : 7.6.2. Understanding the BIND Statistics
versions of
3.1. Getting BIND
10.11.1. BIND Version
15.4.2. A Bad Example
interoperability problems : 13.5. Interoperability and Version Problems
transitions between : 13.4. Transition Problems
bind-users mailing list
3.1.1. Handy Mailing Lists and Usenet Newsgroups
4.2.9. The Root Cache Data
bind-workers mailing list : 3.1.1. Handy Mailing Lists and Usenet Newsgroups
bogus name servers, avoiding : 10.10. Avoiding a Bogus Name Server
bogusns directive
10.10. Avoiding a Bogus Name Server
F.1.13. bogusns (4.9.3)
Boolean options, nslookup : 11.3. Option Settings
boot file (BIND configuration file)
4.2. Setting Up DNS Data
4.3. Setting Up a BIND Configuration File
7.3. Organizing Your Files
7.3.2. Changing the Origin in a Database File
F.1.14. check-names (4.9.4)
F.1.19. options (8.X.X)
F.1.21. zone (8.X.X)
directives for (list) : F.1. BIND Name Server Boot File Statements
syntax errors in : 13.3.5. 5. Syntax Error in the Conf File or DNS Database File
BSD UNIX operating system : 1.1. A (Very) Brief History of the Internet
bstat utility : 7.6.2. Understanding the BIND Statistics

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