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Index: O

O configuration command
5.3.7. Options
13.1. Options: An Overview
-o database switch : -o the database file is optional (V8.1 and above)
-O database switch : -O adaptive versus never add a null (V8.2 and above)
o flag : 30.8. Alphabetized F= Flags
O lines in : 3.1. Role in the Filesystem
$o macro : (see OperatorChars (o) option)
o option : (see OldStyleHeaders (o) option)
O option : (see DaemonPortOptions (O) option)
-o switch (F command) : 12.2. The File Form of Class
-o switch (makemap) : -o append to, don't overwrite the file
-o switch (sendmail) : 36.7. Alphabetized Reference
-O switch : 36.7. Alphabetized Reference
OBJADD= directive : 18.4.10. OBJADD=
BIND via FTP : 21.1.1. Which DNS? 4.8.3 or 4.9?
db library package : C.2. Get the Source
sendmail source code
2.1. Get the Source
18.3. Obtain the Source
octal-type arguments : 34.5. Option Argument Types
-odq switch : 23.6.1. Periodically with -q
offsite primary name servers : 21.5.2. Offsite Servers
"ok" message : 4.2. Verbose (-v)
old-style address lists : 13.2.7. Accept Old-Style Lists of Addresses
OLD_NEWDB macro : 18.8. Alphabetized Reference
OldStyleHeaders (o) option
13.2.7. Accept Old-Style Lists of Addresses
34.8. Alphabetized Reference
open file descriptors : -- open file descriptors: --
openlog command : 26.1.1. syslog(3)
operating system
administration : (see system administration)
36.5.3. EX_IOERR A System I/O Error Occurred
36.5.5. EX_OSERR A System Resource Error
file failure : 36.5.6. EX_OSFILE A Critical System File Failure
load : (see performance)
OSTYPE declaration
16.2.2. OSTYPE
19.3.1. OSTYPE()
OperatorChars (o) option
8.3. Rule Sets
31.10. Alphabetized Reference
34.8. Alphabetized Reference
operators, token separation : (see OperatorChars (o) option)
${opmode} macro : 31.10. Alphabetized Reference
optional database files : -o the database file is optional (V8.1 and above)
options, sendmail
3.1. Role in the Filesystem
4. How to Run sendmail
5.3.7. Options
13. Setting Options
19.4.1. Options
34. Options
(see also switches, command-line)
m4 and : 34.3. Configuring with V8 m4 Options
34.1.2. V8.7 Multicharacter Options in the Command Line
36.7. Alphabetized Reference
required : 13.2. Required Options
safe : 34.1.4. Options that Are Safe
security : 22.8.3. Security Options
single-character : 36.7. Alphabetized Reference
testing : 13.3. Testing the Options
ORCPT address : 23.9. The qf File Internals
origin date, message : (see $a macro)
orphaned locks : Locks can get stuck
OSTYPE command (m4)
16.2.2. OSTYPE
19.3.1. OSTYPE()
debugging : 37.3. Interpreting the Output
rule testing : 38.6.4. The Output
syslog : 26.1.3. syslog's Output
overwriting files : -o append to, don't overwrite the file
overwriting rule sets : 8.4. Rules
owner, mailing list : 25.3. Defining a Mailing List Owner
ownership : (see permissions)

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