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Index: J

j flag : sendmail, 30.8. Alphabetized F= Flags
$j macro
sendmail, 7.3.1. The hostname
sendmail, 14.1.2. The Received: Header
sendmail, 21.2.1. Determine the Local Canonical Name
sendmail, 31.10. Alphabetized Reference
losing dots from : sendmail, 18.8. Alphabetized Reference
j option : (see SendMimeErrors (j) option)
J option : (see ForwardPath (J) option)
-J switch (sendmail) : sendmail, 36.7. Alphabetized Reference
Japanese font conversion : sendmail, 36.7. Alphabetized Reference
jargon : (see terminology, importance of using standard)
Java programming language
Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 11.1.5. Viruses
Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 18.5.1. Executing Code from the Net
Joe accounts
Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 3.6.2. Smoking Joes
Practical UNIX & Internet Security, Joetest: a simple password cracker
TCP/IP Network Administration, 12.2. User Authentication
joint networks : Building Internet Firewalls, 4.4.4. Joint Venture Firewalls
Joy, Bill : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 1.3. History of UNIX
joyriders : Building Internet Firewalls, Joyriders
JP Morgan : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, F.3.4.18. JP Morgan employees
jpeg image subtype : TCP/IP Network Administration, 3.4.3. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
junk precedence : sendmail, 14.4. Precedence

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