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Index: X

x flag
sendmail, 14.2.1. The Full-Name: Header
sendmail, 30.8. Alphabetized F= Flags
X flag : sendmail, 30.8. Alphabetized F= Flags
$x macro : sendmail, 31.10. Alphabetized Reference
$X macro : sendmail, 31.10. Alphabetized Reference
x option : (see QueueLA (x) option)
X option : (see RefuseLA (X) option)
-x switch (sendmail) : sendmail, 36.7. Alphabetized Reference
-X switch (sendmail)
sendmail, 26.4. Log Transactions with -X
sendmail, 36.7. Alphabetized Reference
X Window System
Practical UNIX & Internet Security, X terminals
Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 17.3.21. The X Window System
Practical UNIX & Internet Security, Denial of service attacks under X
mail queue listing : sendmail, 23.4. Printing the Queue
screen savers : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, X screen savers
"X-Authentication-Warning:" header line
sendmail, 14.6. Trusted User
sendmail, Declare trusted users (not V8.1 through V8.6)
sendmail, 35.10. Alphabetized Reference
x-gw proxy : Building Internet Firewalls, 7.7.4. Other TIS FWTK
X-rated material : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 26.4.5. Pornography and Indecent Material
x-token encoding type : TCP/IP Network Administration, 3.4.3. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
X.25 networks : TCP/IP Network Administration, Fragmenting datagrams
X.400 addresses
sendmail, 25.5.6. X.400 Addresses
sendmail, 31.10. Alphabetized Reference
TCP/IP Network Administration, 3.4.1. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
X.500 directory service : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 16.4.4. OSI
X/Open Consortium : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 1.3. History of UNIX
X11 window system : Building Internet Firewalls, 2.13. Window Systems
configuring : Building Internet Firewalls, 8.16. X11 Window System
"X400-Received:" header line : sendmail, 35.10. Alphabetized Reference
xargs command
Practical UNIX & Internet Security, AIX Access Control Lists
Practical UNIX & Internet Security, Filename attacks
Xauthority facility, magic cookies : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, Using Xauthority magic cookies
XDEBUG macro : sendmail, 18.8. Alphabetized Reference
xdelay= equate (syslog output) : sendmail, xdelay= transaction
xdm system : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, Using Xauthority magic cookies
XDR (external data representation)
Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 19.2. Sun's Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
TCP/IP Network Administration, 1.2. A Data Communications Model
Xerox Network Systems (XNS) : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 16.4.5. XNS
xf file : sendmail, 23.2.7. The Transcript File: xf
xferlog file : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 10.3.3. xferlog Log File
xfrnets directive : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, DNS zone transfers
xhost command
Building Internet Firewalls, 8.16. X11 Window System
Practical UNIX & Internet Security, The xhost facility
xinetd software : TCP/IP Network Administration, 12.5. Access Control
XOR (exclusive OR) : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 6.4.7. An Unbreakable Encryption Algorithm
XScreensaver program : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, X screen savers

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