21.4. Modular Authentication for Unix
Traditionally, programs wishing to authenticate a user (such as the
login program or the
daemon) have had to know
how to authenticate a
user; they have had to understand and implement whatever
authentication method or methods were to be used. In a Unix system,
this means that these programs have to do all of the following to
authenticate a user:
- Prompt the user for a login name.
- Look up that login name and obtain its encrypted password.
Prompt the user for a password.
Use the user-provided password and the first two characters from the
encrypted password to encrypt a known string (eight bytes of nulls).
- Check to see if the result of this encryption matches the encrypted
password for the user.
If you want to add a second authentication mechanism (for example,
the S/Key mechanism, which we discussed earlier), you have to modify
all of these programs to understand this second mechanism as well as,
or instead of, the standard Unix password mechanism. And if you later
want to add a third authentication mechanism (for example, support
for the SecurID cards), you have to modify the programs yet again;
and so it would go for each additional authentication mechanism. Each
time you modify these programs, you're making them bigger and
more complex and increase the chances that you've introduced
some kind of bug that's going to result in a security problem.
(This is a serious risk because these are very security-critical
programs -- they control access to your system.)
odular authentication takes a different approach. With it, you
modify all the authenticating programs (e.g.,
login, ftpd) once, to make
them talk to an authentication service instead of doing the
authentication themselves. All of the details of the authentication
mechanism -- for example, what to prompt the user with, how to
validate the user's response, etc. -- are then handled by
the authentication service. When you want to add or modify
authentication methods, you do so by changing the authentication
service (which is modular and designed to accommodate such changes),
not by changing the individual authenticating programs.
21.4.1. The TIS FWTK Authentication Server
The authentication server in TIS
FWTK is a modular solution for authenticating users coming in from
the Internet. The server implements a variety of authentication
mechanisms, such as standard reusable passwords (not recommended),
S/Key, Security Dynamics SecurID cards, and Digital Pathways SNK-004
cards. In addition, the server is modular and extensible, and is
designed so that new authentication mechanisms can easily be
A single authentication server can handle any number of client
machines and programs, and any number of different authentication
methods; different users within the same server can use different
authentication methods. For example, some might use S/Key while some
might use the Digital Pathways SNK-004 cards.
When a client program (such as login or
ftpd) wishes to authenticate someone using the
TIS FWTK authentication server, it has to go through the following
- Prompt the user for a login name.
- Contact the authentication server and tell it who is trying to log in.
Receive a response from the authentication server that tells it what
to prompt the user with.
- Display the prompt specified by the authentication server.
- Collect the user's response and send it to the authentication
- Receive either an OK or an error message from the authentication
- Allow the user access (if OK) or display the error message.
This whole process is carried out with a single TCP connection
between the client and the authentication server, so that the server
knows it's talking to the same client and the client knows
it's talking to the same server throughout the authentication
The authentication server consults its databases to determine how to
authenticate that user and determines the appropriate prompt for the
authentication mechanism for that user. For example:
- If traditional passwords are being used as the authentication method,
the prompt will be a simple "Password:" prompt.
- If the authentication method is S/Key, the
prompt will be the number of the key the user is to respond with.
- If the authentication method is the Digital Pathways SNK-004 card,
the prompt will be a randomly generated challenge number.
Figure 21-2 shows how the TIS FWTK authentication
server works.
Figure 21-2. How the TIS FWTK authentication server works
TIS FWTK includes a number of programs (such as
ftpd) that, in addition to other modifications
and enhancements for security, have already been modified to use the
authentication server. Converting an existing program to use the
authentication server, rather than traditional Unix passwords, is
pretty straightforward. It typically involves only 20 or so lines of
C code, examples of which are given in the toolkit.
The toolkit also includes some programs to support binary-only
systems where you don't have the source to modify. For example,
for systems in which you don't have the source code to the
login program available for modification, the
toolkit includes a program you can use as the user's shell
(which is specified for each user in the
/etc/passwd file) instead of one of the normal
shells (e.g., /bin/csh or
/bin/sh) This replacement shell authenticates
the user with the authentication server, and if the user passes,
starts his or her real shell. Problems with the authentication server
The major problem in running an authentication server is getting
secure communication between the client and the server. An attacker
who can convincingly pretend to be the authentication server can
authenticate as anybody.
Some configurations may have additional problems; for example, using
shell replacement can produce problems because not all programs deal
well with situations in which a user's shell environment
variable and the entry for that user in the /etc/passwd
file do not match.
21.4.2. Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)
PAM is a more recent system for
providing modular authentication, which uses an even more flexible
mechanism than the TIS FWTK authentication server. The basic
principle is much the same; programs that need to do authentication
are modified to use the PAM system, after which you can completely
control what kind of authentication they use through PAM, without
making further changes to the individual programs. PAM differs from
the authentication server in that it is a local service; PAM operates
by dynamically loading authentication modules into applications that
have been configured to use them. Authentication modules execute with
the same privileges as the application that loaded them.
A program can ask PAM to authenticate a user or to change a password.
The password change feature saves users from having to learn a new
password change mechanism for each new authentication mechanism.
An administrator can configure PAM to do extra work in addition to
authenticating the user. For instance, it can grant or deny access
based on criteria other than whether or not the user authenticated
properly. This allows you to control what time of day people can use
a service, or how many simultaneous users there can be, or whether or
not they're accessible from the machine's console. PAM
can also set up the environment that the service will execute in, by
setting environment variables or by running programs (for instance,
it can use chroot to limit the parts of the
filesystem that the service has access to).
Authentication modules can be stacked up, either to allow for
fail-over (if you can't authenticate one way, try another) or
to enforce complicated rules (allow George to log in only at the
console and only between 3:00 and 5:00 in the morning, but allow
everybody else to log in from the local network with reusable
passwords, or from the Internet with a one-time password). It's
also easy to add new authentication modules, but you should use new
modules with caution. When you trust a piece of code to authenticate
users, you are trusting it with the security of your system;
that's not something you should do lightly.
PAM is an extraordinarily flexible system, and as a natural
consequence, it can be hard to configure. Configuration errors will
often result in an unusable computer, but it's also easy to
accidentally produce a configuration that has unexpected
insecurities. The module-stacking features, for instance, provide any
number of ways to accidentally allow access that you intended to
deny. Effectively, they give you an entire programming language with
obscure and varying syntax, and an error as simple as using the
keyword "required" instead of "requisite" can
have unfortunate consequences.
Like any powerful tool, PAM should be used with caution:
- Because relatively minor errors have the potential to disable all
access to the machine, you should know how to boot your machine into
single-user mode before you start to configure PAM. Access to
single-user mode is not controlled by PAM, so it will give you a way
to re-enable access to the rest of the machine.
- Because all of PAM's files are security-critical (an intruder
can easily install back doors by modifying any part of PAM), you
should use it in conjunction with a checksumming system that will
detect unauthorized changes (see Chapter 11, "Unix and Linux Bastion Hosts", for
more information on such systems).
- Because PAM configuration is tricky, you should test your
configurations before relying on them. When you are deciding how to
configure a service, make a list of the important cases when it
should allow access and when it should deny access. Once you have
written the configuration, test each of these cases to make sure
there are no surprises.
In most installations, PAM will allow you to use one single
configuration file that contains the configuration for all services,
or a directory with a separate file for each service. You should use
a separate file for each service; it will help keep configuration
errors for one service from propagating to others.
No matter how you set up the configuration files, you will need to
specify a default behavior for the service called
"other", which will be used if there is no specific
information for a PAM-enabled service. You should set this up so that
it denies access and logs this fact; this way, if you accidentally
install a PAM-enabled service without installing configuration
information for it, you will not grant access to it. Of course, if
you accidentally remove the configuration for an existing service,
you will turn off all access to it. This is unpleasant, but not as
unpleasant as a compromised machine.
 |  |  |
21.3. Authentication Mechanisms |  | 21.5. Kerberos |