10.6. Selecting Services Provided by a Bastion Host
A bastion host provides any
services your site needs to access the Internet, or wants to offer to
the Internet -- services you don't feel secure providing
directly via packet filtering. (
Figure 10-1 shows a
typical set.) You should not put any services on a bastion host that
are not intended to be used to or from the Internet. For example, it
shouldn't provide booting services for internal hosts (unless,
for some reason, you intend to provide booting services for hosts on
the Internet). You have to assume that a bastion host will be
compromised, and that all services on it will be available to the
Figure 10-1. The bastion host may run a variety of Internet services
You can divide services into four classes:
- Services that are secure
- Services in this category can be provided via packet filtering, if
you're using this approach. (In a pure-proxy firewall,
everything must be provided on a bastion host or
not provided at all.)
- Services that are insecure as normally provided but can be secured
- Services in this category can be provided on a bastion host.
- Services that are insecure as normally provided and can't be secured
- These services will have to be disabled and
provided on a victim host (discussed earlier) if you absolutely need
- Services that you don't use or that you don't use in conjunction with the Internet
- You must disable services in this category.
We'll discuss individual services in detail in later chapters,
but here we cover the most commonly provided and denied services for
bastion hosts.
Electronic mail
(SMTP) is the most basic of the services bastion hosts normally
provide. You may also want to access or provide information services
such as:
- File transfer
- Hypertext-driven information retrieval (the Web)
- Usenet news
order to support any of these services (including SMTP), you must
access and provide Domain Name System (DNS) service. DNS is seldom
used directly, but it underlies all the other protocols by providing
the means to translate hostnames to IP addresses and vice versa, as
well as providing other distributed information about sites and
services designed for local area networks include vulnerabilities
that attackers can exploit from outside, and all of them are
opportunities for an attacker who has succeeded in compromising a
bastion host. Basically, you should disable anything that you
aren't going to use, and you should choose what to use very
Bastion hosts are odd machines. The relationship between a bastion
host and a normal computer on somebody's desktop is the same as
the relationship between a tractor and a car. A tractor and a car are
both vehicles, and to a limited extent they can fulfill the same
functions, but they don't provide the same features. A bastion
host, like a tractor, is built for work, not for comfort. The result
is functional, but mostly not all that much fun.
For the most part, we discuss the procedures to build a bastion host
with the maximum possible security that allows it to provide services
to the Internet. Building this kind of bastion host out of a
general-purpose computer means stripping out parts that you're
used to. It means hearing people say "I didn't think you
could turn that off!" and "What do you mean it
doesn't run any of the normal tools I'm used to?",
not to mention "Why can't I just log into it?" and
"Can't you turn on the software I like just for a little
while?" It means learning entirely new techniques for
administering the machine, many of which involve more trouble than
your normal procedures.
10.6.1. Multiple Services or Multiple Hosts?
an ideal world, you would run one service per bastion host. You want
a web server? Put it on a bastion host. You want a DNS server? Put it
on a different bastion host. You want outgoing web access via a
caching proxy? Put it on a third bastion host. In this situation,
each host has one clear purpose, it's difficult for problems to
propagate from one service to another, and each service can be
managed independently.
In the real world, things are rarely this neat. First, there are
obvious financial difficulties with the one service, one host
model -- it gets expensive fast, and most services don't
really need an entire computer. Second, you rapidly start to have
administrative difficulties. What's the good in having one
firewall if it's made up of 400 separate machines?
You are therefore going to end up making trade-offs between
centralized and distributed services. Here are some general
principles for grouping services together into sensible units:
- Group services by importance
- If you have services that your company depends on (like a
customer-visible web site) and services you could live without for a
while (like an IRC server), don't put them on the same machine.
- Group services by audience
- Put services for internal users (employees, for instance) on one
machine, services for external users (customers, for instance) on
another, and housekeeping services that are only used by other
computers (like DNS) on a third. Or put services for faculty on one
machine and services for students on a different one.
- Group services by security
- Put trusted services on one machine, and untrusted services on
another. Better yet, put the trusted services together and put each
untrusted service on a separate machine, since they're the ones
most likely to interfere with other things.
- Group services by access level
- Put services that deal with only publicly readable data on one
machine, and services that need to use confidential data on another.
Sometimes these principles will be redundant (the unimportant
services are used by a specific user group, are untrustworthy, and
use only public data). Sometimes, unfortunately, they will be
conflicting. There is no guarantee that there is a single correct
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10.5. Locating Bastion Hosts on the Network |  | 10.7. Disabling User Accounts on Bastion Hosts |