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Index: Z
- zero address: 6.1.4. The nameserver Directive
- zero-valued serial number: 7.2.3. Starting Over with a New Serial Number
- zone change notification (see DNS NOTIFY)
- zone data
- adding to zone data files: 7.2.4. Additional Zone Data File Entries
- on bastion host, protecting: Protecting zone data on the bastion host
- importance of backups for slave name servers: 4.8.2. Backup Files
- zone data files: 2.4.3. Zone Data Files
- 4.2. Setting Up Zone Data
- abbreviations/shortcuts for: 4.4. Abbreviations
- examples illustrating: 4.4.4. The Shortened Zone Data Files
- contents of (examples): 4.2.8. The Completed Zone Data Files
- creating, example of: 9.4.2. Creating and Delegating a Subdomain
- default origin for, changing: 7.3.2. Changing the Origin in a Zone Data File
- dynamic update and: 10.2.2. Dynamic Update and Zone Data Files
- format of: A.1. Master File Format
- generating from host tables: 7.2.5. Generating Zone Data Files from the Host Table
- h2n utility for creating: 4.6. Tools
- including name server addresses in (example): 9.4.4. On the Primary Master Name Server
- location of indicated in BIND configuration file: 4.3. Setting Up a BIND Configuration File
- organizing: 7.3. Organizing Your Files
- setting up data in: 4.2. Setting Up Zone Data
- syntax errors in: 14.3.5. Syntax Error in Configuration File or Zone Data File
- updating: 7.2. Updating Zone Data Files
- zone data, adding to: 7.2.4. Additional Zone Data File Entries
- zone data warning message: 7.6.1. Common Syslog Messages
- zone statements: 4.3. Setting Up a BIND Configuration File
- E.3.9. zone
- E.4.10. zone
- adding: 4.9. Adding More Zones
- zone allow-transfer: 11.2.3. Preventing Unauthorized Zone Transfers
- zone transfer denied message: 7.6.1. Common Syslog Messages
- zone transfers: 2.4.2. Types of Name Servers
- 4.8. Running a Slave Name Server
- backups and: 7.6.1. Common Syslog Messages
- child processes and: 7.1.3. Using Signals
- dig utility and, performing transfers with: 12.9.2. Zone Transfers with dig
- improving efficiency of: More efficient zone transfers
- incremental, BIND 8/9 support for: 3.1. Getting BIND
- limiting: 10.12.1. Zone Transfers
- nslookup, performing transfers with: 12.1.4. Zone Transfers
- 12.6.3. Zone Transfers
- preventing unauthorized: 11.2.3. Preventing Unauthorized Zone Transfers
- proprietary WINS records and: 14.5.1. Zone Transfer Fails Because of Proprietary WINS Record
- testing manually: 14.2.1. How to Use named-xfer
- testing with named-xfer (see named-xfer utility)
- unreachable message and: 7.6.1. Common Syslog Messages
- zones: 1.3. The Domain Name System in a Nutshell
- 2.4. Name Servers and Zones
- adding: 4.9. Adding More Zones
- change notification for (see DNS NOTIFY)
- checked by name server (debugging example): 13.3.6. A Slave Name Server Checking Its Zone (BIND 8, Debug Level 1)
- checking delegation: 14.3.9. Missing Subdomain Delegation
- 14.3.10. Incorrect Subdomain Delegation
- contacting administrator about: 4.2.4. SOA Records
- creating subdomains in: 9.4.1. Creating a Subdomain in the Parent's Zone
- vs. domains: 2.4. Name Servers and Zones
- Internet connection and: 1.5. Must I Use DNS?
- looking up names in with nslookup: One more test
- out of zone resource records: 14.4.2. Name Server Behavior
- refresh interval for, increasing: 8.2.1. Primary Master and Slave Servers
- registering: 3.2.5. Registering Your Zones
- cost of: 3.2.5. Registering Your Zones
- RP record for: Responsible Person
- sample of: 4.1. Our Zone
- security and (see security)
- serial number for, setting new: 7.2.3. Starting Over with a New Serial Number
- signing: 11.4.8. Signing a Zone
- SOA record for: 3.2.2. Where in the World Do I Fit?
- finding: The us domain
- technical contact for: 3.2.2. Where in the World Do I Fit?
- unable to load zone data: 14.3.3. Slave Name Server Can't Load Zone Data
- 14.3.3. Slave Name Server Can't Load Zone Data
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