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DNS & BINDSearch this book
Previous: B.3 Use the Proper Compiler Settings Appendix B
Compiling and Installing BIND on a Sun
Next: C. Top-Level Domains

B.4 Build Everything

Next, you compile everything from the top-level directory. First, run:


make stdlinks

Then run:


make clean


make depend

This will remove any old object files you might have sitting around from previous compilation attempts, and will update the Makefile dependencies. Then, compile the source code by running



The source code should compile without any errors. Next, install the new named and named-xfer into /usr/sbin . You'll need to become root to do this. On Solaris, they're called in.named and in.named-xfer , respectively. Use the command:


make install

That's all there is!

Previous: B.3 Use the Proper Compiler Settings DNS & BIND Next: C. Top-Level Domains
B.3 Use the Proper Compiler Settings Book Index C. Top-Level Domains