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0.3. Unix Versions

Most of the examples in this book are taken from Red Hat Linux, currently the most popular Linux distribution, and from Solaris 8, the Sun operating system based on System V Unix. Fortunately, TCP/IP software is remarkably standard from system to system, and because of this uniformity, the examples should be applicable to any Linux, System V, or BSD-based Unix system. There are small variations in command output or command-line options, but these should not present a problem.

Some of the ancillary networking software is identified separately from the Unix operating system by its own release number. Many such packages are discussed, and when appropriate are identified by their release numbers. The most important of these packages are:


Our discussion of the BIND software is based on version 8 running on a Solaris 8 system. BIND 8 is the version of the BIND software delivered with Solaris, and supports all of the standard resource records. There are relatively few administrative differences between BIND 8 and the newer BIND 9 release for basic configurations.


Our discussion of sendmail is based on release 8.11.3. This version should be compatible with other releases of sendmail v8.

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