10.2. Special Kinds of Bastion Hosts
ost of this chapter discusses bastion hosts that are screened hosts
or service-providing hosts on a screened network. There are several
kinds of bastion hosts, however, that are configured similarly but
have special requirements.
10.2.1. Nonrouting Dual-Homed Hosts
dual-homed host has multiple network connections but
doesn't pass traffic between them. Such a host might be a
firewall all by itself, or might be part of a more complex firewall.
For the most part, nonrouting dual-homed hosts are configured like
other bastion hosts but need extra precautions, discussed in the
sections that follow, to make certain they truly are nonrouting. If a
nonrouting dual-homed host is your entire firewall, you need to be
particularly paranoid in its configuration and follow the normal
bastion host instructions with extreme care.
10.2.2. Victim Machines
You may want to
run services that are difficult to provide safely with either
proxying or packet filtering, or services that are so new that you
don't know what their security implications are. For that
purpose, a
victim machine (or
sacrificial goat) may be useful. This is a
machine that has nothing on it you care about, and that has no access
to machines that an intruder could make use of. It provides only the
absolute minimum necessary to use it for the services you need it
for. If possible, it provides only one unsafe or untested service, to
avoid unexpected interactions.
Victim machines are configured much as normal bastion hosts are,
except that they almost always have to allow users to log in. The
users will almost always want you to have more services and programs
than you would configure on a normal bastion host; resist the
pressure as much as possible. You do not want users to be comfortable
on a victim host: they will come to rely on it, and it will no longer
work as designed. The key factor for a victim machine is that it is
disposable, and if it is compromised, nobody cares. Fight tooth and
nail to preserve this.
10.2.3. Internal Bastion Hosts
In most configurations, the main bastion
host has special interactions with certain internal hosts. For
example, it may be passing electronic mail to an internal mail
server, coordinating with an internal name server, or passing Usenet
news to an internal news server. These machines are effectively
secondary bastion hosts, and they should be configured and protected
more like the bastion host than like normal internal hosts. You may
need to leave more services enabled on them, but you should go
through the same configuration process.
10.2.4. External Service Hosts
Bastion hosts that exist solely to provide services to the Internet
(for instance, web servers used to provide service to customers) have
special concerns. They are extremely visible, which makes them
popular targets for attack, and increases the visibility of
successful attacks. If a machine that provides mail service for
internal users is compromised, it's not going to be immediately
obvious to outsiders, and it's unlikely to make it into the
newspaper. If your web site is replaced by somebody else's
page, or a clever satire of your web site, that's something
people outside your site will notice and care about.
Although these machines have increased needs for security, they have
some features that make them easier to secure. They need only limited
access to the internal network; they usually provide only a few
services, with well-defined security characteristics; and they
don't need to support internal users (often, they don't
need to support any users at all).
10.2.5. One-Box Firewalls
the machine you're building is an entire firewall, instead of a
part of a firewall, it is even more vulnerable. You are betting your
entire site's security on this one machine. It is worth almost
any amount of inconvenience and trouble to be absolutely certain that
it's a secure machine. You may want to consider having a
duplicate machine that you use for testing, so that you can check out
new configurations without risking your Internet connection.
 |  |  |
10. Bastion Hosts |  | 10.3. Choosing a Machine |