9.8. What If You Can't Proxy?
You might find yourself unable to
proxy a service for one of three reasons:
We describe each of these situations in the following sections.
9.8.1. No Proxy Server Is Available
If the service is proxyable, but you can't find a
proxy-aware-procedure server or proxy-aware clients for your
platform, you can always do the work yourself. In many cases, you can
simply use the dynamic libraries to wrap existing binaries.
If you can't use dynamic libraries, modifying a normal TCP
client program to use SOCKS is relatively trivial. As long as the
SOCKS libraries are available for the platform you're
interested in, it's usually a matter of changing a few library
calls and recompiling. You do have to have the source for the client.
Writing your own proxy-aware-procedure server is considerably more
difficult because it means writing the server from scratch.
9.8.2. Proxying Won't Secure the Service
If you need to use a service
that's inherently insecure, proxying can't do much for
you. You're going to need to set up a victim machine, as
described in
Chapter 10, "Bastion Hosts", and let people run the
service there. This may be difficult if you're using a
dual-homed nonrouting host to make a firewall where all connections
must be proxied; the victim machine is going to need to be on the
Internet side of the dual-homed host.
Using an intelligent application-level server that filters out
insecure commands may help but requires extreme caution in
implementing the server and may make important parts of the service
9.8.3. Can't Modify Client or Procedures
There are some services that just don't have room for modifying
user procedures (for example
ping and
traceroute). Fortunately, services that
don't allow the user to pass any data to the server tend to be
small, stupid, and safe. You may be able to safely provide them on a
bastion host, letting users log in to a bastion host but giving them
a shell that allows them to run only the unproxyable services you
want to support.
If you have a web server on a bastion
host, a web frontend for these services may be easier and more
controllable than allowing users to log in.
 |  |  |
9.7. Using Microsoft Proxy Server |  | 10. Bastion Hosts |