3.9. Security Through Obscurity
Security through obscurity is the principle of
protecting things by hiding them. In day-to-day life, people use it
all the time. Lock yourself out a lot? Hide a key somewhere. Going to
leave a valuable object in your car? Put it out of sight. Want to
finish off those cookies yourself? Hide them behind the canned peas.
In all of these cases, there's no serious protection; anybody
who can find the key, bothers to break your car window, or looks
behind the canned peas immediately gets the goodies. But as long as
you don't do anything else stupid (hide the key where everyone
else does, leave the car unlocked, let somebody see you reaching
behind the canned peas), you get a perfectly acceptable level of
In computer terms, all of the following are examples of security
through obscurity:
- Putting a machine on the Internet and figuring nobody will try to
break into it because you haven't told anybody it's
- Developing a new encryption algorithm and not letting anybody look at
- Running a server on a different port number from the one it normally
uses (providing FTP service, but setting it to port 45 instead of
port 20, for instance).
- Setting up your firewall so that outsiders don't see the same
information about your hostnames that insiders do.
In general, when people discuss security through obscurity, they do
so with contempt. "It's just security through
obscurity", they say, or "Why won't you tell me how
it works? Everybody knows security through obscurity is bad".
In fact, obscurity is a perfectly valid security tactic; it's
just not a very strong one. You may notice that in all our
noncomputer examples, it was used either in conjunction with much
stronger security measures (a locked house, a locked car) or for
unimportant risks (it's not really that important if somebody
else eats your cookies).
Security through obscurity is bad when:
For instance, making a machine Internet accessible, not securing it,
and hoping nobody notices because you aren't advertising it
isn't security through obscurity. It's complete
insecurity through almost no obscurity. You're protecting
something important with absolutely nothing but obscurity, and the
obscurity isn't very good. Not advertising something is not the
same as hiding it. This is like protecting yourself from being locked
out by locking the front door but leaving the back door open,
figuring that nobody will bother to go around and check it.
An encryption algorithm that hasn't been evaluated by experts
because it's secret isn't security through obscurity,
either; it's arrogance on the part of the algorithm's
inventor. Once again, there's not a whole lot of obscurity in
most cases. If you get the algorithm as software, it's easy
enough to figure out exactly how it works. (Building it into
supposedly tamper-proof hardware helps, but it won't keep
attackers out forever.) People will attack encryption algorithms;
they will figure out how they work; and if the algorithms are
insecure, they will break them. It's better to have experts do
it before you actually start using the algorithm.
Running a server on a different port actually does provide some level
of obscurity, but it's tiny. An attacker has lots of ways of
figuring out what port the server is on, including checking all the
ports to see what answers, asking somebody at your site how to
configure a machine to talk to you, and watching the traffic
that's coming to your site. Meanwhile, you pay a high price in
other annoyances, as normal clients can't talk to you without
reconfiguration and other people's firewall rules won't
allow connections to you.
All of these frequent misuses of security through obscurity
shouldn't prevent you from making appropriate use of the
concept. You don't need to tell people what kind of firewall
you're using and exactly how you configure it. The less
information that attackers have, the better. Ignorance won't
keep them out, but it may slow them down. The slower they are, the
better off you are. Anything that makes it take longer to get into
your site increases the chances that the attacker will go away and
look for some place easier to break into, that you'll notice
the attack and take steps to get rid of them, and that you'll
have changed your defenses before the attacker succeeds in
compromising them.
You don't want attackers to know:
- Exactly what kind of equipment you're using in your firewall
(so that they can target vulnerabilities specific to that equipment).
- What protocols you allow under what conditions (so that they can
target those protocols).
- Valid internal hostnames and usernames (so that they can target those
hosts or users, or use the information to convince other people to
give them access).
- What kind of intrusion detection you're doing (so that they can
attack where you're not going to notice).
You can't keep all of this information hidden, but the less of
it that gets out, the more work an attacker needs to do. Eventually,
an attacker can figure out where your weaknesses are, but
there's no need to make it easy.
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3.8. Simplicity |  | II. Building Firewalls |