0.5. Examples
Writing a book of this nature requires a large number of examples
with hostnames and addresses in them. In order to avoid offending or
inconveniencing people, we have attempted to use only names and
addresses that are not in use. In most cases, we have used names and
addresses that are reserved and cannot be publicly registered. In
particular, this is why most of the example hosts in this book are in
the ".example" domain (reserved for this use in RFC
2606). In a few cases where we needed large numbers of hostnames and
felt that using the reserved example namespace would be confusing, we
have used names that can be registered; we have attempted to use
names that are not currently registered and do not seem likely to be
registered. We apologize to anybody who inadvertently uses one of
these names and is inconvenienced.
We also apologize to those readers who have memorized the entire
reserved IP address space, and find it upsetting that many of our
illustrations show reserved IP addresses in use over the Internet.
This is, of course, impossible in practice, and we show it only to
avoid attracting undesirable attention to addresses that can be
accessed over the Internet.
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0.4. Products |  | 0.6. Conventions Used in This Book |