C.4. What Makes a Protocol Secure?
The encryption
algorithm is not the only thing that determines how secure a
transaction is. Knowing what encryption algorithm is being used is
like knowing what kind of safe somebody owns; it doesn't tell
you anything about how secure the information actually is. You can
have a completely burglar-proof safe but never bother to put
documents in it, or put documents into it without locking the safe,
or put documents into it and lock the safe using a combination that
lots of people know or can guess.
Just as many people buy expensive and secure safes and use them
badly, many people take good encryption algorithms and build them
into insecure systems.
In order for a client and a server to have an authenticated and
secure private communication session, the following are needed:
- The client and server must agree on what cryptographic algorithms
they wish to use.
- The client must be able to tell it is talking to the right server,
and the server must be able to tell what client it is talking to.
- The client and server must share a secret that nobody else can know
or independently determine.
- The client and server must be able to tell if someone has altered any
messages (particularly during the initial stages of communication).
- At the end of the session, the shared secret must be destroyed, and
there should not exist a way for it to be recreated.
C.4.1. Selecting an Algorithm
a perfect world, it would be possible to select the perfect
encryption algorithm for clients and servers to use once, and no
negotiation would be necessary. The real world doesn't work
this way. Sometimes it's necessary for some clients or servers
to use relatively weak encryption (either because they have
computational limits and can't do stronger encryption fast
enough to keep up, or because legal or licensing restrictions control
what kind of encryption they can do). In this situation, you
don't want to hold back all connections to the lowest common
denominator, so you need to support negotiation.
Even when this kind of negotiation isn't needed, most protocols
support negotiation in order to allow future implementations to
change the encryption algorithm that is used. New encryption
algorithms are frequently discovered, and so are new problems with
old encryption algorithms. You don't want to be stuck using an
encryption algorithm that somebody has figured out how to decrypt
easily, or an algorithm that's half the speed of the newest and
best thing. Once again, you need to be able to negotiate.
Safe negotiation is difficult. It should be possible for each end of
the connection to specify what algorithms are acceptable. If one end
can convince the other to negotiate little or no security, a hostile
client or server can force connections that will leak information.
Even more importantly, it should not be possible for any third party
to influence the negotiation. You do not want an attacker to be able
to select the encryption that's easiest to break!
A secure protocol uses a negotiation that:
C.4.2. Mutual Authentication
general, when people worry about authentication, they worry about
client authentication; how does the server tell that it is offering
services to the right client? In a secure protocol, it is also
important for the client to be sure about what server it is talking
to. The client is going to offer authentication data to the server.
That authentication data is valuable to an attacker, and you
don't want to blindly hand it out to anybody that asks.
A secure protocol therefore provides for mutual authentication; the
server authenticates itself to the client, and the client
authenticates itself to the server. There are various ways of doing
this, most of them based on the same trick where each side proves
that it can decrypt a value with a secret that only the authentic
participant could know. This secret could be a key used with a
symmetric algorithm, or it could be the private half of a public
key/private key pair; it makes a difference in configuring the
servers and clients but doesn't change the basis for the
authentication. In either case, each side sends the other an
unpredictable value and gets it back in a form that proves the other
side could decrypt it.
C.4.3. Sharing a Secret
As we've mentioned before,
public key cryptography is slow. Very few network protocols can rely
on public key cryptography to protect data simply because it takes
too long. Protocols therefore need to have a shared secret that can
be used for symmetric encryption. That secret can be something they
both know already, but there are a number of reasons why it is
convenient to use a temporary key (sometimes known as a
session key) for most transactions, and to
discard the key when the transaction is over:
- In general, the more ciphertext that uses the same key that is
available to an attacker, the easier it is for the attacker to
discover the plaintext (this is particularly true of one of the
fastest classes of encryption algorithms).
- The longer a key is in existence, the more likely it is to be
inadvertently disclosed.
For these reasons, secure protocols negotiate a key to be used for
symmetric encryption for a single transaction. This key needs to be
unpredictable, so some random numbers need to be involved in the
C.4.4. Identifying Altered Messages
Encryption by itself will not keep people from altering data. A
secure protocol needs to add something that will. In general, it will
be some form of message integrity checksum, as discussed earlier in
this appendix in the section about integrity protection.
C.4.5. Destroying the Shared Secret
Once you have decided to use a temporary shared secret, it is also
important to destroy the secret when you are done with it. If there
is a way to recreate the secret, then someone who recorded the
session could, once they had the right information, decrypt it. If
there is no way to recreate the secret, even with unlimited access to
the computers on both sides of the communication, then you have
achieved a cryptographic property called
perfect forward
Perfection is normally difficult or expensive to obtain, and perfect
forward secrecy is no exception. In general, temporary keys are
generated using information that is available to one or both sides of
the transaction, and there are also usually situations where one side
or the other is not sure whether or not the transaction has
completed, and needs to keep the key around until the situation is
clarified. For practical reasons, most systems implement
partial perfect forward secrecy, where there is
some period of time during which it is possible to recreate the
shared secret. After this time period, things are reset, and the
secret is destroyed.
 |  |  |
C.3. Combined Cryptography |  | C.5. Information About Algorithms |