9.3. What to Name Your Children
Once you've decided how many
subdomains you'd like to create and what they correspond to,
you should choose good names for them. Rather than unilaterally
deciding on your subdomains' names, it's considered
polite to involve your future subdomain administrators and their
constituencies in the decision. In fact, you can leave the decision
entirely to them, if you like.
This can lead to problems, though. It's nice to use a
relatively consistent naming scheme across your subdomains. It makes
it easier for users in one subdomain, or outside your domain
entirely, to guess or remember your subdomain names, and to figure
out in which domain a particular host or user lives.
Leaving the decision to the locals can result in naming chaos. Some
will want to use geographical names, others will insist on
organizational names. Some will want to abbreviate, others will want
to use full names.
Therefore, it's often best to establish a
naming convention before choosing
subdomain names. Here are some suggestions from our experience:
- In a dynamic company, the names of organizations can change
frequently. Naming subdomains organizationally in a climate like this
can be disastrous. One month the Relatively Advanced Technology group
seems stable enough, the next month they've been merged into
the Questionable Computer Systems organization, and the following
quarter they're all sold to a German conglomerate. Meanwhile,
you're stuck with well-known hosts in a subdomain whose name no
longer has any meaning.
- Geographical names are more stable than organizational names, but
sometimes not as well known. You may know that your famous Software
Evangelism Business Unit is in Poughkeepsie or Waukegan, but people
outside your company may have no idea where it is (and might have
trouble spelling either name).
- Don't sacrifice readability for convenience. Two-letter
subdomain names may be easy to type, but they can be impossible to
recognize. Why abbreviate "Italy" to "it" and
have it confused with your Information Technology organization, when
for a paltry three more letters you can use the full name and
eliminate any ambiguity?
- Too many companies use cryptic, inconvenient domain names. The
general rule seems to be: the larger the company, the more
indecipherable the domain names. Buck the trend -- make the names
of your subdomains obvious!
- Don't use existing or reserved top-level domain names as subdomain
names. It might seem sensible to use two-letter country abbreviations
for your international subdomains or to use organizational top-level
domain names like net for
your networking organization, but it can cause nasty problems. For
example, naming your Communications department's subdomain
com might impede your
ability to communicate with hosts in the top-level com domain. Imagine the administrators
of your com subdomain naming
their new Sun workstation sun and their new HP 9000 hp (they aren't the most
imaginative folks) -- users anywhere within your domain sending
mail to friends at sun.comor hp.com could
have their letters end up in your com subdomain[66] since the domain name of your parent zone may be in some
of your hosts' search lists.
 |  |  |
9.2. How Many Children? |  | 9.4. How to Become a Parent: Creating Subdomains |