2.5. Resolvers
are the clients that access name servers. Programs running on a host
that need information from the domain name space use the resolver.
The resolver handles the following tasks:
- Querying a name server
- Interpreting responses (which may be resource records or an error)
- Returning the information to the programs that requested it
In BIND, the resolver is just a set of library routines linked into
programs such as Telnet and FTP. It's not even a separate
process. It has the smarts to put together a query, send it and wait
for an answer, and resend the query if it isn't answered, but
that's about all. Most of the burden of finding an answer to
the query is placed on the name server. The DNS specs call this kind
of resolver a
stub resolver.
Other implementations of DNS have had smarter resolvers, which can do
more sophisticated things such as build up a cache of information
already retrieved from name servers.[13] But these aren't nearly as common
as the stub resolver implemented in BIND.
 |  |  |
2.4. Name Servers and Zones |  | 2.6. Resolution |