0.2. What's New in the Fourth Edition?
Besides updating the book to cover the most recent versions of BIND,
we've added a fair amount of new material to the fourth
- More extensive coverage of dynamic update and NOTIFY, including
signed dynamic updates and BIND 9's new update-policy
mechanism, in Chapter 10, "Advanced Features"
- Incremental zone transfer, also in Chapter 10, "Advanced Features"
- Forward zones, which support conditional forwarding, in Chapter 10, "Advanced Features"
- IPv6 forward and reverse mapping using the new A6 and DNAME records,
as well as bitstring labels, at the end of Chapter 10, "Advanced Features"
- Transaction signatures, also known as TSIG, a new mechanism for
authenticating transactions, in Chapter 11, "Security"
- An expanded section on securing name servers, in Chapter 11, "Security"
- An expanded section on dealing with Internet firewalls, in Chapter 11, "Security"
- Coverage of the DNS Security Extensions, or DNSSEC, a new mechanism
for digitally signing zone data, also in Chapter 11, "Security"
- A section on accommodating Windows 2000 clients, servers, and Domain
Controllers with BIND, in Chapter 16, "Miscellaneous"
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0. Preface |  | 0.3. Organization |