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Publications and Postings

Albitz , Paul , and Cricket Liu . DNS and BIND . Sebastopol , CA : O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. , 1997 .
Allman , Eric . Sendmail: An Internetwork Mail Router in the BSD UNIX Documentation Set . Berkeley , CA : University of California , 1986-1993 .
Allman , Eric , and Miriam Amos . Sendmail Revisited . Portland , OR : USENIX Proceedings , Summer 1985 .
Anderson , Bart , Bryan Costales , and Harry Henderson . Unix Communications . Carmel , Indiana : Howard W. Sams, a Division of Macmillan Computer Publishing , 1991 .
Cheswick , William R. , and Steven M. Bellovin . Firewalls and Internet Security, Repelling the Wily Hacker . Reading , MA : Addison-Wesley Publishing Company , 1994 .
Cuccia , Nichlos H . The Design and Implementation of a Multihub Electronic Mail Environment . San Diego , CA : USENIX Proceedings - LISA V , October 3, 1991 .
Darmohray , Tina M . A Scheme for a Large Network . San Diego , CA : USENIX Proceedings - LISA V , October 3, 1991 .
Frey , Donnalyn , and Rick Adams . !%@:: A Directory of Electronic Mail Addressing and Networks . Sebastopol , CA : O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. , 1993 .
Harrison , Helen E . A Domain Mail System on Dissimilar Computers: Trials and Tribulations of SMTP . Colorado Springs , CO : USENIX Proceedings - LISA IV , October 19, 1990 .
Hedrick , Dr. Charles . A brief tutorial on sendmail rules . (A posting to the old Usenet groups net.unix-wizards and net.mail . Reposted to comp.mail.sendmail August 7th 1992.) Rutgers University , 1985 .
Hunt , Craig . TCP/IP Network Administration . Sebastopol , CA : O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. , 1993 .
Kamens , Jonathan I . FAQ: How to find people's E-mail addresses . (A monthly posting to the Usenet groups comp.mail.misc , and news.newusers.questions .) Cambridge , MA : Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Periodic .
Nemeth , Evi , Garth Snyder , Scott Seebass , and Trent R. Hein . Chapter 15, "Mail and Berkeley Sendmail," in Unix System Administration Handbook . Englewood Cliffs , NJ : Prentice Hall , 2nd edition , 1995 .
Quarterman , John S . The Matrix: Computer Networks and Conferencing Systems Worldwide . Bedford , MA : Digital Press , 1990 .
Rickert , Neil . Address Rewriting in Sendmail . (Posted to the USENET group comp.mail.sendmail .) DeKalb , IL : Northern Illinois University , Apr 29, 1991 .
Stern , Hal . Managing NFS and NIS . Sebastopol , CA : O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. , 1991 .

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