Although UUCP can be made relatively secure, most versions of UUCP , as distributed by vendors, are not. If you do not intend to use UUCP , you may wish to delete (or protect) the UUCP system altogether. If you are not running UUCP , check the permissions on the uucppublic directory, and set them to 0.
If you do use UUCP :
Be sure that the UUCP control files are protected and cannot be read or modified using the UUCP program.
Only give uucp access to the directories to which it needs access. You may wish to limit uucp to the directory /usr/spool/uucppublic .
If possible, assign a different login to each UUCP site.
Consider using callback on your connections.
Limit the commands which can be executed from off-site to those that are absolutely necessary.
Disable or delete any uucpd daemon if you aren't using it.
Remove all of the UUCP software and libraries if you aren't going to use them.
Be sure to add all uucp accounts to the ftpusers restriction file.